For the past few days, had been entering the school through the backgate and I spotted this German Shepherd pup playing in the huge field just outside my school. It had been there for days and this German pup is so adorable, running around in circles, playing fetch by it's on with a flattened bottle and attempting to rip apart a rag for the past few days. Yea, it was pretty dumb of me to stand there and watch the pup but I can't help it cuz I LOVE huge dogs!
I always wanted huge dogs but all I ever had was just a Golden Retriever and a Jack Russell (terror of my life). That's it! =/
I want a German, a Siberian Husky or a Gray Wolf, a breed that is going towards extinction. Yea, I LOVE huge dogs (;
If I have a chance to propose, my proposal will be having a small little newborn pup that she and I fancy on my arm and knock on the girl's door and then, to propose. I like that idea...
But it's.... Stupid to habour such thoughts...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Headache, head pain, backache and Robocop
For the past week, had this really bad headache as though my brains are getting squashed. It was quite bad that my neck problem came back along with my backache. Which brought back my guilt about my grandma. For those who know, they might understand. Those who don't, too bad. Up next is my grandfather that the doctor had already declared that his time is numbered.
So, laying in bed for the whole day over the weekends, I pulled out my all time favourite superhero LD, Robocop series. Not much people know that I was really crazy about Robocop back then when I was a kid. Believe it anot. My favourite part of the series is Robocop 1 where Murphy was slaughtered. It was his sheer determination that kept his memories alive.
So, I asked myself, can't I be like him? Hmm... haiz
Alot had happen recently. The Zebra got URTI, Kleo just broke up, school work stress and finally, the national wide FYP project which the proposal is heavily resting on my shoulder...
So, laying in bed for the whole day over the weekends, I pulled out my all time favourite superhero LD, Robocop series. Not much people know that I was really crazy about Robocop back then when I was a kid. Believe it anot. My favourite part of the series is Robocop 1 where Murphy was slaughtered. It was his sheer determination that kept his memories alive.
So, I asked myself, can't I be like him? Hmm... haiz
Alot had happen recently. The Zebra got URTI, Kleo just broke up, school work stress and finally, the national wide FYP project which the proposal is heavily resting on my shoulder...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
No More Please...
Stopped chemo. So, a new treatment plan have to be formulated again...
Pain pain pain...
Attended a wedding dinner and a beautiful lady was seated right in front of me, in a black dress with a white covering. She's such a beaut with her sweet smile and her dimples, she got my attention on the spot. Tried to peek at her at times and for once, she looked up at me in the eyes.
Was confused and ashamed, I looked down and kept quiet. Then, I've yet to see her. What a waste not getting to speak to her... =(
Pain pain pain...
Attended a wedding dinner and a beautiful lady was seated right in front of me, in a black dress with a white covering. She's such a beaut with her sweet smile and her dimples, she got my attention on the spot. Tried to peek at her at times and for once, she looked up at me in the eyes.
Was confused and ashamed, I looked down and kept quiet. Then, I've yet to see her. What a waste not getting to speak to her... =(
Monday, April 16, 2007
Chemo useless.
Result after chemo: No progress at all but health breaking down more with infections. What to do? haiz
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Pneumonia Attack!
Dry coughs, difficulty breathing, blood in sputum, shortness of breath, fever rigid at 40.1 degrees, MORE chemo drugs induced, more pain to be endured, more suffering...
Friday, April 13, 2007
After all the tears, arguement and sharing, I'm back. Chemo today was horrible! The pain was bad, the feeling's bad, EVEYTHING was bad...
But well, I WILL pull through, I SWEAR!
Being a big fan of music, photography and movies, I decided to have this blog more... LIVELY with pictures and songs to follow up! I mean, after all the nonsense, the pain and rubbish I have to face at the hospital, the least I could do is make things happier yea? =DDD
Those who knows about xj's matter, please keep it low cuz the embassy's been pressing us alot about it. haiz' Since yesterday after I've landed, I decided to do something silly. I called all my friends who were overseas to express concern for them except one cuz I don't have her contact...
But well, take care...
But well, I WILL pull through, I SWEAR!
Being a big fan of music, photography and movies, I decided to have this blog more... LIVELY with pictures and songs to follow up! I mean, after all the nonsense, the pain and rubbish I have to face at the hospital, the least I could do is make things happier yea? =DDD
Those who knows about xj's matter, please keep it low cuz the embassy's been pressing us alot about it. haiz' Since yesterday after I've landed, I decided to do something silly. I called all my friends who were overseas to express concern for them except one cuz I don't have her contact...
But well, take care...
After all the tears, arguement and sharing, I'm back. Chemo today was horrible! The pain was bad, the feeling's bad, EVEYTHING was bad...
But well, I WILL pull through, I SWEAR!
Being a big fan of music, photography and movies, I decided to have this blog more... LIVELY with pictures and songs to follow up! I mean, after all the nonsense, the pain and rubbish I have to face at the hospital, the least I could do is make things happier yea? =DDD
Those who knows about xj's matter, please keep it low cuz the embassy's been pressing us alot about it. haiz' Since yesterday after I've landed, I decided to do something silly. I called all my friends who were overseas to express concern for them except one cuz I don't have her contact...
But well, take care...
But well, I WILL pull through, I SWEAR!
Being a big fan of music, photography and movies, I decided to have this blog more... LIVELY with pictures and songs to follow up! I mean, after all the nonsense, the pain and rubbish I have to face at the hospital, the least I could do is make things happier yea? =DDD
Those who knows about xj's matter, please keep it low cuz the embassy's been pressing us alot about it. haiz' Since yesterday after I've landed, I decided to do something silly. I called all my friends who were overseas to express concern for them except one cuz I don't have her contact...
But well, take care...
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Right now, in Aussie. So much had happened recently that I realized I'm still lagging behind trying to catch up with the situation. Life these days seem to be so fragile. For one minute we can be looking at someone so dear to you and the next, he/she would had move on to the afterlife. It's all so fragile...
But because of the recent events, I realized that I can't be that jerk I once was. Maybe I should be honest of the facts that happened not too long ago. The reason why I want to clear up my mess is because with each coming day, guilt raise on me and crawl into my soul. I will not twist my story to side myself, these are the facts.
Her name is Andrea, a really sweet humourous girl whose hands I once held. When we got together, it was honey moon period. As time goes by, because of my lack of understanding, I accused her of things that she had never done or held. Such as, having someone else in mind. I doubt her feelings really badly. Though I never once admitted that to her, I will admit that to readers here.
Once, I complained so much about her feelings and doubt it for she only told me that she loved me once. I kept pushing her to the limit, testing her feelings by giving her the straight to the fact "No feelings felt, a break up" thing.
Pestering her for most of her time, demanding attention from her was what I did whenever we go into silence for a few days. I didn't consider her feelings and even accuse her of not giving her best in the relationship. I even flooded her email, handphone and such that to a point, she couldn't take it anymore, a breakup was initiated.
I forgot my words that I had for others when they seek advise from me or whenever they need a listening ear. I always empasize that throughout any relationship, it's only when the girl feels that she had taken enough nonsense, would she summon her courage to say that she can't take it anymore.
Even till the time whereby she wanted the breakup, I wasn't sane enough to realize the mistakes of mine. I even blare at her for not giving her best. It was only after a friend's nagging, arguement and talking that I woke to my sense. His name is Clement. Somehow, I take it that he's part of my inner circle and I think I too own him an apology and thanks for all his lectures that somehow changed me.
You see, there were many underlying things that I had kept from my readers and thinking back on all these just make me feel like a jerk. But I guess it's still my anger management that is a problem. Don't ask me why I have such a post right now cuz I'm feeling alittle mixed up. But at least, an apology will do good, I hope...
Sorry about everything Andrea, sorry that I slandered you and having doubts about you. Take care of yourself there, nothing must happen to you cuz you are still very dear to me...
As much as even if you hate me to the extend that you wanna delete me off all your contact, least, be careful there... haiz
With all my confession, I leave you this vid. Classic but I love (;
Taken from Rap: Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it...
But because of the recent events, I realized that I can't be that jerk I once was. Maybe I should be honest of the facts that happened not too long ago. The reason why I want to clear up my mess is because with each coming day, guilt raise on me and crawl into my soul. I will not twist my story to side myself, these are the facts.
Her name is Andrea, a really sweet humourous girl whose hands I once held. When we got together, it was honey moon period. As time goes by, because of my lack of understanding, I accused her of things that she had never done or held. Such as, having someone else in mind. I doubt her feelings really badly. Though I never once admitted that to her, I will admit that to readers here.
Once, I complained so much about her feelings and doubt it for she only told me that she loved me once. I kept pushing her to the limit, testing her feelings by giving her the straight to the fact "No feelings felt, a break up" thing.
Pestering her for most of her time, demanding attention from her was what I did whenever we go into silence for a few days. I didn't consider her feelings and even accuse her of not giving her best in the relationship. I even flooded her email, handphone and such that to a point, she couldn't take it anymore, a breakup was initiated.
I forgot my words that I had for others when they seek advise from me or whenever they need a listening ear. I always empasize that throughout any relationship, it's only when the girl feels that she had taken enough nonsense, would she summon her courage to say that she can't take it anymore.
Even till the time whereby she wanted the breakup, I wasn't sane enough to realize the mistakes of mine. I even blare at her for not giving her best. It was only after a friend's nagging, arguement and talking that I woke to my sense. His name is Clement. Somehow, I take it that he's part of my inner circle and I think I too own him an apology and thanks for all his lectures that somehow changed me.
You see, there were many underlying things that I had kept from my readers and thinking back on all these just make me feel like a jerk. But I guess it's still my anger management that is a problem. Don't ask me why I have such a post right now cuz I'm feeling alittle mixed up. But at least, an apology will do good, I hope...
Sorry about everything Andrea, sorry that I slandered you and having doubts about you. Take care of yourself there, nothing must happen to you cuz you are still very dear to me...
As much as even if you hate me to the extend that you wanna delete me off all your contact, least, be careful there... haiz
With all my confession, I leave you this vid. Classic but I love (;
Taken from Rap: Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it...
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Let's talk camera
Ok, I got to proclaim, my analog camera which I sent for "check-up" have got terminal "cancer" and will "die" soon. So, I gotta save up and shop for a new camera. So much hate I have for digital but I've got no choice as analog cameras are now really expensive and trust me, they cost MORE than digital cameras, the ones I want.
The one I have in mind, the canon 30D

Canon stated SD$2299 but a friend got from Cathayphoto for SD$1800 plus. What a BIG bargain! And I was also the one who introduced to him that place. A place for photographers to get cheap and great bargains! Range from "idiot-proof" cameras to high-end cameras. I will gladly introduce that place further more in future! =pPppP
The one I have in mind, the canon 30D

Canon stated SD$2299 but a friend got from Cathayphoto for SD$1800 plus. What a BIG bargain! And I was also the one who introduced to him that place. A place for photographers to get cheap and great bargains! Range from "idiot-proof" cameras to high-end cameras. I will gladly introduce that place further more in future! =pPppP
Friday, April 6, 2007
Chemo emo
Finally, after figuring out how to handle that stupid chatter box thingy, I got it worked out. I'll add on the links some other time when I do have the time. Currently, I don't think that stupid Globe tracker is working! But well, forget it, I'll just elaborate on what had been going on recently.
I started my chemo just last week and it is real terrible. so many times I wanted to just unplug the damm chemo and run away from all the pain but well, I will pull through. Now that I'm bald, I'll face more discrimination. Had been for chemo four times since last week and I'm already half dead by now. Totally drained.
So bored after chemo yesterday, went down to get lime GREEN paint to actually paint up my room to some fantastic colour. For those who scrutinize me about the colour green, please, it's not like I totally like the colours that you look at.
Today, went out with Raphael, Nikos and one other guy whom I failed to catch his name for some photo taking session cuz it's been years since I touched my analog camera. So, once again, I was the rare breed who still uses an analog camera while all are progressing towards digital age. But either way, those whom I know, none dare to challenge me of my photography skill. lol
Since this blog is new and that I had only informed CERTAIN people of the new link, I guess it's alright to post up pictures. These pictures were taken with my A95 5MP semi-pro digital camera. So, not really nicely done. PLEASE, these pictures are COPYRIGHTED.

Who needs a CD writer now?


Fraction of missing part?

Clue: Pandas LOVE them.

Wrong place...

Beauty and the 9/10 BeastS

So who's going first? (BAD buildings destroyed the whole picture)

Let's have tea

Hole in the heart
Sorry that most of the pictures are in black and white cuz I love B&W pictures. Once the my films are developed, I shall post MORE pictures up (;
I started my chemo just last week and it is real terrible. so many times I wanted to just unplug the damm chemo and run away from all the pain but well, I will pull through. Now that I'm bald, I'll face more discrimination. Had been for chemo four times since last week and I'm already half dead by now. Totally drained.
So bored after chemo yesterday, went down to get lime GREEN paint to actually paint up my room to some fantastic colour. For those who scrutinize me about the colour green, please, it's not like I totally like the colours that you look at.
Today, went out with Raphael, Nikos and one other guy whom I failed to catch his name for some photo taking session cuz it's been years since I touched my analog camera. So, once again, I was the rare breed who still uses an analog camera while all are progressing towards digital age. But either way, those whom I know, none dare to challenge me of my photography skill. lol
Since this blog is new and that I had only informed CERTAIN people of the new link, I guess it's alright to post up pictures. These pictures were taken with my A95 5MP semi-pro digital camera. So, not really nicely done. PLEASE, these pictures are COPYRIGHTED.
Who needs a CD writer now?
Fraction of missing part?
Clue: Pandas LOVE them.
Wrong place...
Beauty and the 9/10 BeastS
So who's going first? (BAD buildings destroyed the whole picture)
Let's have tea
Hole in the heart
Sorry that most of the pictures are in black and white cuz I love B&W pictures. Once the my films are developed, I shall post MORE pictures up (;
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