Wednesday, April 25, 2007

German Pup

For the past few days, had been entering the school through the backgate and I spotted this German Shepherd pup playing in the huge field just outside my school. It had been there for days and this German pup is so adorable, running around in circles, playing fetch by it's on with a flattened bottle and attempting to rip apart a rag for the past few days. Yea, it was pretty dumb of me to stand there and watch the pup but I can't help it cuz I LOVE huge dogs!

I always wanted huge dogs but all I ever had was just a Golden Retriever and a Jack Russell (terror of my life). That's it! =/
I want a German, a Siberian Husky or a Gray Wolf, a breed that is going towards extinction. Yea, I LOVE huge dogs (;

If I have a chance to propose, my proposal will be having a small little newborn pup that she and I fancy on my arm and knock on the girl's door and then, to propose. I like that idea...

But it's.... Stupid to habour such thoughts...

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