Wednesday, June 13, 2007


What kills every man is their ego, their ego and their anger that ruin everything. Whenever they realized that one's fault is being revealed to another person, they would rant at whoever the person is and also, that person's trust in the middleman, is gone.

Fact is, the middleman was trying to make things look much better and get things off his chest. He's got too much secret hidden inside that he very much wanna break down.

But thing is, the middleman is concurrently the reason of smiles and laughter to many people. He cannot afford to drop down and break down in front of so many people. Despite his health condition, he puts up a strong front to build up his reputation and trust.

He will die to set his goals right.

BUT, it was the ego of else one that could easily ruin him. It was a man's ego. It's really sad to go round the bush to get back at the middleman while he's trying to get a better understanding for the egocentric guy.

I've got secrets. But this secrets cannot be revealed till time is right. I really love to reveal it but I think it's too soon to do so.

Lastly, the middle man, no matter what, always treat this egocentric guy like his brother for both had gone through thick and thin together.

Don't break it...

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